- I must have gotten married, as indicated by the "Mrs" instead of the "Miss."
- I must have gotten married to a man with the last name of Tyler (though not neccessarily on June 6, 2009, as the official copy of the marriage license, required for the changing of a last name due to marriage, may not have come until months after the marriage ceremony...hint hint).
- I must be married to Brent Tyler, because he is the man I love; knowing me, I wouldn't marry a man I didn't love. Case proved.
Hurray! I am a newly married woman! Brent and I got married on January 3rd, 2009. Leading up to the wedding we never would have imagined we were going to experience such ever-increasing joy in life after the big day as we in fact have. We've been man and wife for five months and six days, and yet life still seems "new" in many aspects. I'm still getting the hang of handling all of my duties as a homemaker, student at CSUN, and full-time intern at Spectrolab, all the while being a wife who's THERE for her precious husband and taking time to stop and smell the roses with him. All of that to say, because of all the "newness" that still remains to get used to about my married life, I won't be touching this blog for quite a while! So don't add this to your list of blogs to check daily or weekly...yet. I'm gonna take a month or two (or three or four) to set my priorities and stay faithful at those priorities. When I'm ready, I'll be back at the blog. When I am, I'll let ya know...somehow.
Till then!