As you all know, Friday, February 4th was the fateful day that my diamond escaped from the claws of my engagement band. My best suspicion was that it fell off while I was working on bar at Starbucks. It was more than a suspicion...I pretty much had that instinctive knowledge that my diamond was somewhere on the countertops or floors of my store. My managers and fellow baristas were all SO compassionate upon hearing that I had lost my diamond, and all eagerly put in time to look for it.
My managers even sifted through the dirt of that day's sweep job with their own hands. That's how much they care for me. :)
However, during all of Friday's searching high and low at Starbucks, the diamond never showed up. Meanwhile, I was at home all afternoon sweeping my own house and sifting through the dirt, vacuuming and sifting through that dirt, just in case my intuition was wrong and the diamond had fallen off before I got to Starbucks that day.
By the time Saturday morning hit I had pretty much come to terms with the fact that my diamond was gone forever. Brent and I were saddened; not completely devastated, but saddened. :(
Monday morning as I'm working on chores in my home, my phone starts ringing. I get to it right as the ringing stops, and I see that one of my managers tried to call me. The thought that she was calling about my diamond doesn't even cross my mind; as I press the buttons to listen to the voicemail she left me, I think that she was calling me to ask if I could cover someone's shift today.
Instead, this is what I hear: "Hayley, you are going to flip out. Kyle found your diamond."
I'm SO thankful for how God lined things up so perfectly for my diamond to be discovered that day. Even though the floors had been swept and mopped six times since my diamond was lost, my manager thought to remind Kyle to keep a lookout for it while he was sweeping the floors. Kyle swept the floors and didn't find anything. He mopped the floors and didn't find anything. But on his final stroke with the mop, he saw something shiny skid across the floor, ricochet against a wall and slide to a halt two inches from going underneath the dark black abyss of the refrigerator. He stooped down, picked up the shiny thing, and the celebration began.
When I got off the phone with my manager telling her I couldn't wait to come and pick up my stone, I shrieked and shrieked and jumped and jumped for joy.
Look at how tiny it is too! I know this is a really fuzzy picture, but this is the diamond on its side in my hand...you can barely even see it, and yet someone found it while mopping! That shouldn't have happened! But it did!
My rings and the diamond are safely in the possession of my jeweler for repair as we speak. :)