My Blog

Saturday, January 9, 2010

2009: A Year in Review

2009 was the biggest and best year so far in the lives of my husband and me. Here are a few snapshots of what we did.

we got hitched

we went on a honeymoon

we hosted a party celebrating marriage for our one month anniversary. the cake behind the champagne glasses was the top of our wedding cake.

we celebrated our first valentine's day together. it was, incidentally, the first time either of us had been in a relationship during valentine's day. i like that fact.

we celebrated with a special valentine's day meal

complete with bacon-wrapped filet mignon, heart-shaped party potatoes and for dessert, heart-shaped brownies

we took brent's dad to newport to celebrate his 60th birthday

we observed koalas at the san diego zoo

koalas of various types

we've been bonding with my cat

i got into my first auto my husband's sweet car. and he was a sweetie about it.

brent made an easter presentation for me

and i made a less cool easter presentation for him

we discovered our new favorite drink: virgin strawberry daiquiris ala Brent

i graduated from CSUN

i babysat some stinkin' cute kids for five days at the Resolved conference, to come home to my husband who had prepared an evening of relaxation for me complete with a bubble bath and dinner

we planned and executed a surprise squirt gun party for my brother's high school graduation

we found an old abandoned steam shovel while hiking in the hills of Simi Valley

on the 4th of July, we were patriotic from our toes

all the way up to our necks. well, ok, i was anyway.

brent made me ratatouille for my birthday

and i took him to hawaii for his (or, er, um, Roy's Hawaiian Fusion in Pasadena)

we went camping in Sequoia, one of my favorite places on earth

a grasshopper praying mantis graced me with his presence on my car before i left for work one morning

we played at disneyland. a lot.

we welcomed our niece, ksenia charlotte hays, into the world

we decorated our home for the changing of the seasons

we visited dear, old friends in napa

i hosted several wedding and baby showers

we took part in two of our good friends' wedding

ben and masha

we celebrated our first thanksgiving together as a married couple

we picked out a christmas tree for our cozy lil apartment

i practiced jumping into a christmas tree like Elf while brent took a picture

so did hunter

we ate christmas tree-shaped rice krispie treats after setting up our christmas tree

we had a gorgeous little tree

i had a christmas-sweater lunch with good friends

i hosted my sister's baby shower

i played with my family at disneyland while poor sweet brent worked

georgie was the most famous person at disneyland that day

then brent got his turn to play with georgie

we took our first christmas picture

we discovered how georgie takes care of her toys at fast food restaurants. look closely at this picture

we became prisoners at rocky peak's Back to Bethlehem event

we observed a relationship build between hunter and a donkey

we finally started taking some decent pictures when i gave brent his new camera for christmas

and brent started getting REALLY in to photoshop again

i took brent to go meet all my old teammates and coaches at the riverside aquette synchro reunion

And that was our year.


  1. Okay, that was a VERY fun post. So glad you are blogging again.

    And,uh,er, I guess your homeschool teacher never taught you the difference between a grasshopper and a preying mantis. (Oh, and I know it is also known as a PRAYING mantis, another thing your teacher should have taught you -- get your money back for that schoolin'!)

  2. Super cute pictures of you two at the end there, Hayley! You can definitely tell a difference with the new camera!! (not that the before-pictures were not also cute!) :)
