Minnie Mouse works at Starbucks!!!
At least she did last night.

That's right. I closed at Starbucks last night and all three of us closers wore costumes. Minnie Mouse, a basketball player and Mother Nature were all present.

By the way, Halloween was THE SLOWEST night at Starbucks I have ever seen. We went from 8:30 to 9 without a single customer in the store. I never want to work a Halloween again.

I really enjoyed playing my part. Can you tell?

Oh, and up until I left to go to work, Brent and I spent yesterday afternoon carving pumpkins. Brent's is the cannibalistic pumpkin, mine is the redneck one.
I heard a funny joke once: "You know you're redneck when your jack-o-lantern has more teeth than your wife does."
Happy (Belated) Halloween.
Cute! WHERE did you get that costume!?