Animal Kingdom was great, but unfortunately by this time in our trip we were too tired to enjoy it to the fullest extent. I would love to go again someday when I'm well rested.

In the background of this picture you see the site of the best Disney coaster I have ever been on: Expedition Everest.

This guy was hanging out and grazing while we waited in line for our African Safari Tour.

So was this guy.

The first animal sighting our our tour: Big ol' rhinoceros.

Happy hippo.

Storks not intimidated by their proximity to the hippos.

Underwater hippo.

Momma duck and ducklings.

Cackling Nile crocodiles. Something was REALLY funny.

Ah, we come to the start of the safari part of our safari.

This fellow was huge, and he was walking right toward our vehicle.

I'm not sure this girl was cool with how close his horns came to her.

"Wild" zebras and a giraffe.

No, I didn't get a picture of his colorful butt.

This guy came and said hi. He got VERY close to our car.

VERY hard worker.

Poor fellow. I wonder if that nose of his hurts?
I need to warn you...if you scroll down any farther it is quite possible that you will suffer from nightmares for the next fifty years and feel the urge to cover your head any time you walk out of doors.
I warned you.
Okay, seriously those were some of the best animal pictures I've ever seen! The ones of the bat. Very hideous like you said, but so cool!