My Blog

Friday, April 15, 2011

Blizzard Beach

This was the most fun day of our trip. Both of us readily agree. Blizzard Beach waterpark is the best waterpark I have ever been to, and in Brent's opinion it is only topped by some waterpark he's been to in Wisconsin.

The theming was in true Disney fashion, right down to the minutest detail. The "history" of the park is that long ago there was a freak snowstorm in Florida, so Disney started building a ski resort. But before the resort was finished the sun came out again and melted most of the snow, making skiing impossible. But the ski resort was there, nonetheless, so they made a waterpark out of it.

The rides were great. We went on them over and over again. The two of us became very competitive at the racing rides, but try as I might I never beat Brent. >:( Jerk. Punk.

I loved that the bathrooms looked just like rustic skiing lodges and that the men's were labeled "Snowmen" while the women's were labeled "Sleigh Bells." I loved that if you ordered an icy cold drink, such a a frozen mocha, they served it to you in a hot coffee cup and straw. I loved you could purchase a sand bucket and have it filled with the ice cream of your choice to share with your family. I love that they served hot and fresh mini donuts sprinkled with sugar. I loved that their wave pool was constantly waving, and that the lifeguards were always friendly and ready to start waterfights with you. I loved that the main restaurant in the park was called "Lottawatta Lodge," because it was fun to say.

I only have four pictures because we didn't bring a camera, only our camera phones. All of the pictures were taken with the motive of sending them to Hunter to make him jealous, because he has long dreamt of going to Blizzard Beach. And the first two photos are of the cleverly themed mini-golf course right next to the waterpark that I got a kick out of.

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