My Blog

Friday, April 23, 2010

How Rude

Prince Winston has not been thinking of others lately.

Last night, Brent and I bowed our heads to pray before we dished up our dinner. No sooner had we opened our eyes, than P-Dub leaped onto Brent, his back two paws on Brent's lap and his front two paws smack dab in the center of Brent's clean dinner plate. Brent stared down at him in surprise, and P-Dub sniffed Brent's face.

"Dude, not cool," said Brent.

"Very rude, P-Dub," I offered as I got Brent a new dinner plate. Prince Winston was, of course, banished from the dining table.

Then, P-Dub had the NERVE to sleep ON MY TUMMY all night last night. He actually does this quite often, but last night it was particularly unbearable. I turn from side to side, over and over and over again at night, but with P-Dub ON MY TUMMY like a rock, it takes quite the effort to turn over, meaning that every time I turn over, I must wake up. Not fun to wake up a dozen times in a night because of a rock cat. It didn't matter how many times I shooed him off. As soon as I was settled and comfy again, he would curl right back up on my tummy.

Lately, when P-Dub chooses NOT to sleep at night, the situation actually gets worse for both Brent and me, because P-Dub decides to bring his favorite toy to our bed and bat it and scramble after it at the foot of our bed ALL NIGHT. Our feet get trampled upon and sometimes bitten. Not cool.

I think last night was PW's last night in our bedroom. He needs to learn a lesson. The world doesn't revolve around him.


  1. "rock cat" lllllllllllllllll. Jupey refuses to move when we want to sit down on the best chair, so we keep descending slowly thinking he'll get up soon, but he just lets us sit on him.

  2. his FEET were on Brent's plate? Remember when Nige got in Hunter's high-chair and stole his chicken breast?

    Smith will probably sleep on your stomach because she's been sleeping on Linda's.
