My Blog

Friday, April 16, 2010

I'll Do Anything For a Cookie

So Brent took me out to dinner at a snazzy Sherman Oaks place nearby, and our waiter struck me as an aspiring actor-type. Dark, wavy hair, steel blue eyes, stubbly beard, shortish, and his voice sounded like an actor's. It just had that quality about it.

Anyways, our conversation kept getting interrupted because I had to continue exclaiming, "I just really think he's an actor. I'm really curious...I wonder if he is?"

Brent kept telling me to ask the waiter. I kept telling him I was too embarrassed.

Brent told me he might buy me a Mrs. Fields cookie after dinner if I asked the waiter if he was an actor (there was, after all, a Mrs. Fields viewable from our restaurant window seat).

The waiter was approaching to clear our dishes, so I leaned across the table to Brent, saying, "Saying you might buy me a Mrs. Fields cookie is a lot different than saying you will."

I waited for a response from Brent as the waiter made the final steps to our table, and apparently his response was satisfactory because I blurted out, "So do you do any acting work?"

The waiter looked at me with a face that could be interpreted two ways (and IS interpreted two ways, by my husband and me):
  1. As I interpreted it, his look said, "Hush. You're not supposed to know that, and neither is anyone else in this restaurant."
  2. As my husband interpreted it, his look said, *shrug-smile* "You got me. Yeah, I'm one of those hot hip actors. Ya nailed it."
Either way you want to interpret the look that you didn't see, after the look, he nodded and said, "Yeah."

"Oh really?" I said. "You are? I thought so. You have that look and that voice."

He took it as a compliment and thanked me quickly. He really looked like he didn't want to talk about it anymore, so I asked, "What was the last thing you did?" (Oh Hayley, leave him alone.)

In our ensuing two minute conversation, we found out that he was Adam Sandler's body double for one of his movies and he's currently in California for "training." What kind of training he didn't elaborate on. Actors training? Wouldn't really know what that was. Maybe Aunt Missy could elaborate for us.

Anyways, I got my cookie. :)

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh because almost everyone was a waiter/actor when I was there. I think it's a running cliche and they might be embarrassed about it? I don't know why the guy would say he's "in California" for training. The only other acting training worth it's salt that I know of is in NY and that's for stage. But stunt men train and that's big in LA. Sometimes actors start out as an extra or body double just to get their foot in the door, but if you really want to be known as an actor then you'd be embarrassed to admit that. Most of them wait tables and take classes in an endless circle hoping for that big break.
    What flavor was your cookie?
